HI Vancouver Central

Establishment and lodging at 1025 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1L4, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about HI Vancouver Central: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Establishment   Lodging  

1025 Granville Street
British Columbia V6Z 1L4
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+1 604-685-5335


Opening hours

Sunday 12:00am — 11:59pm
Monday 12:00am — 11:59pm
Tuesday 12:00am — 11:59pm
Wednesday 12:00am — 11:59pm
Thursday 12:00am — 11:59pm
Friday 12:00am — 11:59pm
Saturday 12:00am — 11:59pm


2 /5

Based on 1 reviews

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Reviews of HI Vancouver Central

    OnThis Rock Added 2017-09-04
    What the hell is wrong with the internet at this place? Don't they know it is 2017? Bring your ear plugs because I guarantee Big Foot will be upstairs from you and do his tap dances at 2am, on cue. Every night. Not for minutes. Hours of stomping and banging. Horrible insulation. One woman came in after 1am, banging doors late into the evening, and early in the morning while leaving at 5am. This same woman farted up a storm and stank up the whole room. Just because you are a low budget traveller and maybe born in a barn, doesn't mean you disrespect everyone else around. Savages they were. Complete savages. It would have been a good stay, but the clientele makes it unbearable. What's with the unhealthy breakfast? Do they want to give us diabetes? It's hit or miss with the staff too. I walked by two of them and said "Hi". And both looked at me with a blank stare, and said nothing and stared at me. No personality. This place is not cheap, so not worth the money. I will give this place a FAIL.

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